Aaron Schiff

Putting economic evaluation into practice

Economic evaluation is data intensive. What are the data requirements and when should you think about them? I've written a guide to help set up the data and information that you'll need to apply economic evaluation to social interventions.

A few notes on time-series forecasting with AutoGluon

Some quick notes of a few basic things I've learned about time-series forecasting with AutoGluon

Evaluating AutoGluon for forecasting

Taking a look at the accuracy of forecasts produced by the AutoGluon package from Amazon.

Building a timeseries data pipeline

Building some simple infrastructure to store and visualise public time-series data

Data verbalisation with LLMs

Testing if large language models can be used to verbalise small datasets.

Negative filtering with dplyr

Traps for the unwary when using dplyr to filter out rows based on logical conditions.

Raindrops keep falling on my head

Various silly measures of how much rain fell on Auckland in 2023.

New Zealand retail trends 2022-2023

A look at recent trends in retail sales volumes.

Using R in VS Code

Some things I learned while trying out R in VS Code.

Drivers of NZ population changes

Taking a look at the impacts of internal and international migration on NZ population.

Happy Birthday!

A statistical reason to celebrate getting older.

A brief guide to automated text analysis for research & evaluation

A practical guide to using automated sentiment analysis, topic detection, and summarisation in research and evaluation projects.

Mapping changes in the population of youngish adults: 2022 remake

Mapping changes in Auckland's population aged 20 to 34.

Using automated text analysis in an evaluation project

Improving data analysis by using natural language processing.

Comparing input versus output price changes for New Zealand industries

Some data visualisations to explore producer input and output price index data.

One month with R in VS Code

A few more tweaks for using R in VS Code.

Automating downloads from Infoshare with R

R code with RSelenium to help automate downloads of time-series data from StatsNZ's Infoshare website.

Visualising forecast uncertainty

Experimenting with how to show the uncertainty associated with an economic forecast.